Monday, September 28, 2009


1. Film director Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland after being invited to receive a “lifetime achievement award”. For 31 years, he had been on the run from charges of statutory rape. The Swiss apologized -- what they meant to write on the invitation was “lifetime achievement sentence”.

2. The woman that John Lennon insisted was the real inspiration for the song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” has died. Ironically, she died of an LSD overdose.

3. President Obama wants to lengthen school days and shorten summer vacation. Man, he really doesn’t care about that second term. Kids are going to remember this when they turn 18.

4. In Europe, portable music players will soon have a maximum volume setting. They say it’s to protect the hearing of the users, but I think it’s more to protect the hearing of the people who have to stand next to them.

5. Time Warner Inc. is going to sell its Time Magazine division. It’s already sold AOL and Time Warner Cable. Pretty soon, they’re going to sell Warner too and just be “Inc.”

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