Wednesday, September 16, 2009


1. Denmark released a tourism promotion video of a Danish woman describing her one-night stand with the foreign father of her child (true). It’s all part of their new slogan: “Why go to Thailand and pay for sex with strangers, when you can come to Denmark and get it for free!”

2. The Senate passed a bill allowing Amtrak passengers to carry guns. “Amtrak -- See America up close. So you can get a better shot.” The Senate believes that just because you don’t have a car, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experience the joy of firing from a moving vehicle. Is there a lot of overlap between Amtrak riders and gun owners? Well, except for Vice President Joe Biden and his Berettas (true)? Maybe he got tired of feeding the Secret Service when he goes home to Delaware.

3. The CEO of pro wrestling’s World Wrestling Entertainment is going to run for the Senate, because she says “Washington is out of control”. Washington is out of control? Now there's a wake-up call. That's like Stephenie Meyer saying your book has unrealistic male characters. I think the CEO has been watching some of these healthcare town halls and has ideas for charging tickets. Or maybe she wants to recruit Rep. Joe Wilson.

4. In an off-the-record interview that accidentally got released, President Obama called Kanye West a “jackass”. Said former President Bush, “Now he’s getting the hang of this thing!”

5. Former President Jimmy Carter said racism is behind attacks on Obama’s healthcare reform. “It’s just like when they did the exact same thing to Bill Clinton… wait a minute.”

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