Saturday, September 26, 2009


1. A woman in Ohio has given birth to another couple’s baby after getting the wrong embryo at a fertility clinic. Isn’t this how horror movies begin? I’m not sure if we’ve seen a miracle or the birth of the Antichrist.

2. In India, it’s becoming popular to cremate people over a fire of cow dung. I take it funerals in India aren’t really popular events.

3. Ichiro Suzuki was ejected from a baseball game for the first time. And the last time. Immediately after the ejection, he used his bat to disembowel himself.

4. We now have the first cancellation of the new TV season -- “The Beautiful Life”. Apparently the beautiful life is unemployment.

5. Government officials from around the world are meeting in Bangkok to discuss climate change, after last week’s big meeting in New York, and before the upcoming big meeting in Denmark. You know, maybe the climate wouldn’t be changing if they didn’t keep flying jets back and forth to all these meetings.

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