Tuesday, September 22, 2009


1. Microsoft is hiring away Apple retail workers with higher salaries. So now maybe they can afford some of Apple’s products.

2. A new study says that a decline in financial skills is often a warning of future Alzheimer’s. Which means that next year, the United States is estimated to have about 150 million new cases.

3. China introduced an ambitious plan to stop global warming. They plan to avoid fossil fuels by burning biological fuels like dolphins, pandas, and Tibetans. Unfortunately, this will cause those creatures to go extinct, making them fossil fuels again.

4. A new study says having a drink of alcohol can reduce the effects of head injuries. Unfortunately, alcohol also causes most head injuries, so it all balances out.

5. Microsoft’s new search engine had a small rise in use compared to Google. But that’s just because if you’re typing another address on a Microsoft website, sometimes it throws you into the search engine. How many of those searches were for “w.google.com”?

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