Tuesday, April 28, 2009


1. One of the first countries to report swine flu is Israel, igniting a major debate there over whether swine flu is kosher.

2. The Supreme Court has ruled it is okay for the government to fine broadcasters for even one swear word on live TV. Before then, broadcasters had one free expletive. Which is what led to this infamous incident. [Show video of Barbara Bush speaking, and then have an enormous bleep that lasts for ten seconds.] It was, technically, just one swear word. She was speaking in German.

3. Somali fishermen are now organizing into militias to catch pirates. But aren’t the pirates already former fisherman militias? I hear one Somali militia has already captured a pirate ship from that infamous group known as “Norwegian Cruise”.

4. On the economy, newspapers are reporting anything they can get their hands on. Like today, “Lithuania Economy Shrinks 12%”. Really? What, people aren’t buying fish? No disrespect to Lithuania, but I don’t really care.

5. On President Obama's 100th day in office, Republican Senator Arlen Specter said he would become a Democrat, giving the Democrats 59 votes in the Senate. Here’s a picture of Specter announcing the switch.

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