Monday, August 11, 2008


1. On Monday, John McCain gave a speech where he didn’t talk about Barack Obama for more than 20 minutes. Many of his supporters were glad he wasn’t worrying about Obama so much, but then they realized that he’d just forgotten Obama’s name.

2. Three MIT students have been barred from showing how to get free rides in Boston’s subway system. Yeah, we have that in New York too. It’s called “holding open the emergency exit”. How little arm strength do MIT students have?

3. A natural stone arch in Arches National Park collapsed over the weekend. This is the first collapse of an ancient stone arch since John McCain’s left foot.

4. A group of scientists have discovered materials that may one day be used to create clothing that makes people invisible. I thought John McCain was already wearing one. But I hear it’s already been developed by John McCain. Obama’s liberal politics. Russian human rights. Larry Craig. Ted Stevens.

5. Obama supporters can now be the first to find out his vice president through a text message service from the campaign. All I have to say is WTF? BO VP? ROFLMAO!

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