Wednesday, July 1, 2009


1. Apparently one gigantic mega-colony of ants now covers at least three continents. One branch of the colony inhabits Japan, and it’s the largest single colony of hive-like creatures to inhabit Japan since, well, the Japanese.

2. Many families hit by the recession are turning to youth sports for entertainment, which some hope will help the America’s obesity rates. Unfortunately, the fastest growing youth sport? Competitive eating.

3. A new study says two thirds of Americans are too fat, while the other third is just the right amount of fat.

4. Today, Ford announced that it had another good quarter. Three more and they‘ll finally have a dollar in profit.

5. Apparently, the new iPhones become so hot that a white case sometimes turns brown. Luckily, with the right app, you can sandwich them between iPods and make iSmores.

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