Thursday, July 9, 2009


1. A drug that might greatly extend lifespans has been found on Easter Island. It’s apparently the reason for the long life of Easter Island’s indigenous marshmallow animals.

2. A cruise ship in England has been quarantined because some passengers have norovirus, which you may recall was the cool new virus a few years back. Haven’t these people heard about swine flu? Norovirus is so 2006.

3. A graveyard in Chicago has been accused of digging up bodies and reselling the graves. How surprising that was in Chicago. The deal was, they had to get someone else in there once the dead person voted. Didn’t they realize relatives might come to visit? “Grandpa wasn’t named Veronica. Unless there’s something he never told us.” And haven’t the movies taught us that this is a bad idea?

4. Today, police in Iran fired into the air to disperse protesters, because the Iranian government has banned gatherings of birds. They claim that sparrows are a Western plot. The shooting is also a recession-time way to feed the police.

5. A new study says that people with superior language skills early in life are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Then how do you explain the Bush family?

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