Tuesday, July 28, 2009


1. Scientists say divorced people have a higher chance of health problems even if they remarry. Some think this is due to the stress of divorce, but others believe it’s from the lingering effects of gunshot wounds.

2. A new study says tanning sunbeds can cause cancer. Not surprisingly, a representative from the Sunbed Association tried to disagree, but had problems when she opened her mouth and her leathery face cracked completely open.

3. Conservative Democrats known as “blue dogs” are holding up healthcare legislation. As their name suggests, they’re worried that the new legislation might not insure their favorite pastime of choking dogs.

4. A woman in New Jersey started selling apple cakes to pay off her mortgage and is now very successful. Of course, being New Jersey, the cakes are particularly popular with local politicians, since they’re hollow inside.

5. A woman in a bikini carjacked a driver in Mississippi. The bikini-clad carjacker later explained that the driver had misinterpreted why she was waving the gun -- she just didn’t have anywhere to put it.

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