Saturday, July 18, 2009


1. The country of Turkey is banning smoking in all public places. It’s part of their winter anti-smoking tourism campaign: “Come quit smoking cold Turkey!”

2. In Sweden, police arrested a serial public masturbator. But considering Swedish women, I understand. The last time I was in Sweden, I was masturbating outside all the time. Plus, the summer days last so long there. It makes you feel like doing late-night activities in the fresh air.

3. NASA has released new photos of the moon that show equipment from past landings there. Kind of like how I wrecked my ex-girlfriend’s car and found it on Google Earth.

4. Nelson Mandela had his 91st birthday in New York City today. Last year, he had it in London. I wonder when he’s going to start having it in South Africa?

5. The Italian city of Milan is going to ban alcohol for kids under 16. In unrelated news, Milan has drastically dropped in popularity for high-school summer trips.

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