Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Did you hear about this 107-year-old woman in China looking for her first husband? Yeah, she says she’s tired of being a burden on her nieces and nephews, since they’re all, you know, dead. She’s also worried about hot flashes, or as some people call it, cremation. Apparently some 90-year-old guy proposed to her, but she said no, because she didn’t want to be a cougar.

A new study says that people with a ring finger longer than their index finger do better on Wall Street. But I would have thought the most important finger on Wall Street would be the one you give to the American people.

Good news! The percentage of overweight Americans has gone down. The bad news -- most of them have just graduated to being officially obese.

Did you hear about this couple that got married yesterday in a Taco Bell? Don’t you think that’s kind of early to be testing the ‘sickness and health’ part?

Scientists have now discovered that mosquitoes coordinate their buzzing when they’re mating. Which just makes mosquitoes buzzing in my ears even more disturbing.

Did you hear about this skier in Colorado whose pants got caught on a chair lift, and he ended up hanging naked off the chair? He was hanging there for seven minutes, which doesn’t seem long until you realize what he was hanging from.

White House press secretary Dana Perino says the Bushes have already started packing. She said they didn’t bring many things, so it’s really just books and items from their travels. Which means packing should take about five minutes.

Citibank has reached an agreement with senators on renegotiating mortgages, and you’ll be happy to know, the senators will be able to keep their houses.

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