Friday, January 30, 2009


1. They’re starting a new parliament in Somalia. At the last parliament, they were supposed to have just 350 officials, but 1,500 showed up, and it cost $11 million. Sounds like my cousin’s wedding. Somalia is like the movie “Mad Max”, but if the real Mel Gibson were in charge.

2. To save Wall Street, the government wants to create a “bad bank” to buy toxic loans. But why do we need to create a new “bad bank”? Can’t we use one of the many many bad banks we already have?

3. Fox has a show now called “Your Questions, Your Money”. Which sounds like it should be Wall Street CEOs answering questions from taxpayers.

4. Some say that President Obama needs to say more about gay rights. But his support for gay rights is apparent on the White House website - not so much in words, but in color scheme.

5. I think Pope Benedict wants to hold Vatican III. Though if we’re going to make roman numeral comparisons, while Vatican II was like a Super Bowl, Vatican III will be more like a Wrestlemania.

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