Monday, March 23, 2009


The world’s cheapest car has now gone on sale in India. It has no airbags, no air conditioning, no radio, no power steering, no wheels, and no driver. Actually, technically, it’s a spoon. Here’s a picture of the car. It’s not only the world’s cheapest car, but also its most expensive soap box racer.

Yesterday, Jessica Simpson was booed at a concert for forgetting the lyrics to some of her songs. That was surprising, because usually she’s booed for remembering them.

A new study says that ultraviolet light can kill TB bacteria. Which is why you never see TB in people who grow pot. Just a little public service announcement for you. Strike another blow for medical marijuana.

To get back some of the AIG bonus money, Congress is thinking of putting a 90% tax on it. Actually, I have a better idea. How about a 9000% tax on the bonuses? That way, we get all of our money back.

Starbucks, Costco, and Whole Foods are trying to develop a “third way” of dealing with labor unions. For example, healthcare will be cut in half, but tasty food samples will now be included in benefits.

President Obama compared his bowling score with those at the Special Olympics, and some people at the Special Olympics are upset, because they are WAY better bowlers than Obama. Yeah, good luck getting into the Special Olympics, prez!

Financial analysts are happy today, because the rate of new homes being built rose in February, thanks to more apartments being built. Yeah, you want to know why more apartments are being built? Because so many people have lost their HOUSES! This is not a good sign.

Chinese health officials now say that Johnson & Johnson baby products are safe. Well, if the Chinese government says they’re safe! Now I don’t have to throw away my glow-in-the-dark baby shampoo.

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