Saturday, March 14, 2009


1. A new study says that spending time in an oxygen chamber may help children with autism become better at everyday social interaction. Really? It didn’t do much to help Michael Jackson.

2. A new satellite is being launched that will detect differences in gravity around the world. For example, gravity at the equator is stronger than at the North Pole, and it’s almost non-existent under the home of Rihanna.

3. An online auction for the first Superman comic book has gotten a top bid of $317,000. It was apparently paid for by a federal earmark.

4. The government is no longer going to call prisoners at Guantanamo Bay “enemy combatants”. Instead, they’re going to be known as “Chris Browns”.

5. Did you know that 95% of American food-processing plants are currently not inspected by regulators. 95%! You know, Eventually, China is going to be complaining about our food exports.

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