Friday, March 13, 2009


1. One problem with the whole Bernie Madoff scandal is that investors in Madoff’s Ponzi scheme have been putting their payments in other Ponzi schemes over the years, like Social Security, Treasury bonds…

2. The Chinese premier said today that in economics, confidence is more valuable than gold. Which is why Forbes recently said that the wealthiest man in the world is Regis Philbin.

3. Tickets to Michael Jackson’s comeback concerts have sold out. Most of the tickets were sold to biologists who are excited to see if he’s become a new species yet.

4. Did you hear about these Canadian prisoners who escaped by digging a hole with nail clippers? Now isn’t that a good ad for the nail clipper company. “Think your nails are tough? Our clippers can go through brick!”

5. Switzerland has agreed to allow foreign governments greater access its secret bank accounts. In exchange, the U.S. no longer gets all the cheese that would have been in those Swiss cheese holes.

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