Saturday, March 21, 2009


1. New Jersey has decided to not ban bikini waxes, because if there was ever a state that needed them, it’s New Jersey. There will also be no ban on New Jersey’s second most popular waxing procedure -- the monobrow wax.

2. Starbucks, Costco, and Whole Foods are trying to develop a “third way” in dealing with labor unions. For example, healthcare will be cut in half, but tasty food samples will now be included in benefits.

3. Chinese health officials now say that Johnson & Johnson baby products are safe. Well, isn’t that comforting news! If the Chinese government says they’re safe! Now I don’t have to throw away my glow-in-the-dark baby shampoo.

4. Obama said yesterday that AIG executives should spend some time in Iowa and Arkansas. Specifically, at the bottom of the Mississippi River. And maybe some time at the Field of Broken Dreams. Instead of “If you build it, he will come,” they’ll hear “Please, for the love of god, don’t build it. Stop building it.”

5. President Obama compared his bowling score with the Special Olympics, and some people at the Special Olympics are upset, because they are WAY better bowlers than Obama. Yeah, good luck getting into the Special Olympics, prez!

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