Monday, March 30, 2009


Scientists now say they’ve found mud volcanoes on Mars, which might finally point to the existence there of school science projects.

There’s now a whole protest tour of the homes of AIG executives, though it’s strictly BYOTP - Bring Your Own Torches and Pitchforks. Or toilet paper for high school kids.

This week, New Jersey decided to NOT ban bikini waxes, because if there’s ever a state that needs them, it’s New Jersey. There will also be no ban on New Jersey’s second most popular waxing procedure -- the monobrow wax.

A new survey says that many parents feel excluded by their teenage children when they ask about school. The survey said that this might be because they’re, um, teenagers! The survey also discovered that most teenagers are only 13 to 19 years old.

According to scientists, salt on Mars might be melting ice and creating pools of water. Well, let me tell you, if my neighbor ran Mars, there would be no pools of water. That dick never salts his sidewalk.

Online crime is surging during this recession. For example, there’s a new website up by AIG.

Japan says that it will take down any North Korean rockets with its special missile defense shield:

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