Friday, March 27, 2009


1. New York is loosening its drug laws, because in this economy, they’ve decided to go easy a bit. They understand if you need a little smack to get through the day.

2. Some people are calling for a new global currency to replace the dollar. We’ll just start using gift certificates from Starbucks.

3. Madonna is being urged by a charity to rethink her latest African adoption. The courts in Malawi usually don’t allow adoption by single women, but in this case, they’ll make an exception.

4. A man in Scotland has won a prize for the best photograph of a ghost. However, it turned out to just be a picture of Katie Holmes.

5. The composer Ravel apparently took the name of a woman he was attracted to, and used the letters in her name to compose a song. A professor said “This has never been done before. To take one person and to place them at the center of a life-long work.” Um, you obviously don’t listen to a lot of pop music.

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