Sunday, March 15, 2009


1. A new poll of Iraqis says that 65% feel the situation in their country is good. And 60% think things will be even better next year. Man, maybe we should move to Iraq. Of course, in another part of the poll, 67% feel they have “good access” to cooking fuel. Again, you know, it might be better if 33% of Americans didn’t have good access to cooking fuel. We’d lose a lot of weight.

2. The first ever pizza restaurant has now opened in North Korea. This joins the opening of a fried chicken outlet in 2007. Next year, they hope to open a donut shop. And maybe an off-track betting parlor.

3. A new study says that vegetarians have lower rates of almost every cancer except colon cancer, which as far as I’m concerned as a male, cancels out any other benefits.

4. Doctors in China now say that many Chinese athletes have been faking their age. Really?! However, they say athletes are actually older than they claim. Like the Olympic Chinese female gymnasts told authorities they were only nine, but actually they were 12.

5. A new study shows that people’s mental abilities begin to decline when they’re about 27. And in similar news, did you hear that people’s mental abilities begin to decline when they’re about 27?

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