Thursday, October 30, 2008


1. Well, the economy surprised no one by shrinking in the last quarter. And spending really dropped for non-durable goods, like food, paper, investment banks.

2. A poet in Canada has written a book where each chapter only uses one vowel. I think we already have that in the U.S. It’s called “The Collected Press Conferences of George Bush”.

3. An Australian airliner lost its radar and had to be guided blind across the ocean. The passengers were very scared about something that had only been done for all of human history until the invention of radar.

4. Mobil Exxon recently had the biggest profit ever for a U.S. company. I think they’re hoarding up in anticipation of us storming them with pitchforks and torches.

5. In Thailand, there is a new trend for plastic clapping hands. So instead of clapping their own hands, people just shake these plastic ones. Are there any non-bizarre places left in the world? I guess this answers the question of “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”

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