Thursday, September 4, 2008


1. Sony is going to recall 440,000 laptops because they could overheat. Apparently the laptops were all being used in the office of the mayor of Detroit.

2. Australia just elected its first female governor. As they say at the Republican National Convention -- a day late and a dollar short.

3. A heroin-addicted elephant is now going home after doing rehab in China. At least he won’t forget his 12 steps. His owners fed him heroin-spiked bananas to keep him under control. It was a technique first perfected with Russell Crowe.

4. In a new survey 75% of Americans said that they would change their daily routine to get a convenient healthy breakfast. Yeah right. 75% of Americans say they never drive over the speed limit either. I think the operative word is “convenient”. Like an IV drip.

5. The first guitar ever set on fire by Jimi Hendrix was sold yesterday. Isn’t it strange that we now try to delicately preserve a guitar that Hendrix cared so little about that he set it on fire? The act of destroying the guitar has made it far more valuable. Maybe this is why Lindsay Lohan kept crashing her car. She was just trying to raise money.

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