Thursday, September 18, 2008


1. Construction workers for the World Cup in South Africa are getting free tickets. In a similar gesture, construction workers at the new Yankees stadium will get free tickets to the Mets. That way, they can watch a winning team.

2. The veteran heavy metal band Metallica had the number-one selling CD in the country. Why? Because the only people buying albums anymore are in their forties. The second-best selling CD was an audio book about menopause.

3. A bar in Australia is offering free drinks to any woman who takes off her underwear. Now there’s a surprise. Wouldn’t that happen in any bar?

4. Did you hear there’s a company coming out with three-ply toilet paper? Not to be outdone, Charmin unveiled its new toilet paper, simply called ‘The Tree’. It consists of an entire tree. I recommend the willow version as opposed to the pine. Charmin hopes to have most of the U.S. deforested by the end of the year.

5. A new international study at hospitals is going to try to see if near-death experiences, like seeing a bright light, actually occur. They should ask the people running John McCain‘s campaign.

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