Thursday, September 11, 2008


1. General Petraeus said today that because of the complexity of the Iraq War, he would never be comfortable using the word “victory” there. Well, now we know one thing for sure -- he’s not going to be running for office.

2. In the African nation of Tanzania, several schoolgirls fainted while taking exams. We used to have that problem here too, but then we fixed the ventilation systems.

3. Bill Clinton said he’ll do whatever he’s asked by Barack Obama. He then rented a house in Antarctica until the election is over.

4. A new study says that women are more prone to nightmares than men. Yeah, I think that’s because they’re married to the nightmare.

5. Thieves in Kenya apparently tried to rob Barack Obama’s grandmother. They were going after the solar panel on top of her hut. Even there, the oil companies don’t want Obama elected. They will stop at nothing.

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