Wednesday, September 24, 2008


1. The new prime minister of Japan, Taro Aso, apparently loves comic books. Man, too bad Bush is leaving now! They could have bonded so well. You know, in Japan, they have comic books about everything -- even teaching economics. Bush was really excited to hear that. “I can learn about the economy from a comic book! How do I get to this ‘Jap-pan’?”

2. Both presidential candidates vowed to enter the debate over the bailout plan in Congress, because if there’s anything that brings quick decisive honest behavior in Washington, it’s a presidential campaign.

3. John McCain wants to postpone the debates until Congress figures out a plan to stop Wall Street excesses. Which means that the debates will be held some time around the year 3000.

4. Half of people who have e-mail at work check those accounts on the weekends at home. Which makes sense, because they’re checking their personal accounts while at work, so it all balances out.

5. The great investor Warren Buffet has bought $5 billion worth of Goldman Sachs stock. The Wizard of Omaha bailing out Wall Street. New York is becoming flyover country.

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