Saturday, May 31, 2008


1. A rally to raise money to feed the poor has begun, called Walk the World. It used to be called Drive the World, but they realized the money they could save on gas would take care of a lot of hungry people. Walk the World… but isn’t walking going to make you hungry? If you want to end hunger, shouldn’t you do something that doesn’t burn calories? If they didn’t walk anywhere, they could cancel the celebration lunch and send it to Ethiopia. They should have a Sit the World.

2. Top people in the Democratic Party are meeting to figure out how to possibly seat delegates from Florida and Michigan, even though there is no compromise that will affect the final outcome. Well, that seems like a very productive way to spend the day. Might I suggest walking to end hunger instead?

3. Police in South Korea used water cannons against people protesting against U.S. beef. The only time in the States there was a protest this big over beef was when Wendy’s introduced the Baconator.

4. The Space Shuttle took off today with part of a Japanese science lab and a new toilet pump. No, wait, or is it a new science lab and Japanese toilet pump? The astronauts have been wanting a toilet that can play music.

5. The people of the South Pacific island of Vanuatu have been judged the happiest on the earth. Mainly because variations on their name were used to save the world in the science fiction movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still”.

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