Saturday, May 3, 2008


1. A man in Texas has been arrested for trying to cash a check for $360 billion. Apparently, he was working for the Clinton campaign.

2. Barack Obama has won the presidential caucus in Guam by just seven votes. And he won unanimously.

3. In Ecuador, a female lawmaker wants a woman’s right to sexual happiness in the constitution. But male lawmakers say if they do pass the amendment, they want to do it very quickly, with no debate before or after. They might also want to pass the amendment a few more times that day.

4. Nestle is in trouble because it put a CD-ROM in a breakfast cereal in the country of Azerbaijan. The CD-ROM said that the country had started a war. This is the biggest cereal toy controversy since Cheerios gave out a doll of the “Honey Nut”, and it looked like Ralph Nader.

5. Opposition activists in Egypt are getting ready to strike against rising food prices in the country. All that marching is going to make people kind of hungry, though, isn’t it?

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