Friday, May 16, 2008


1. A new study says that people tend to have more negative feelings about female celebrities than male ones. Well, that wouldn’t be the case if they weren’t such bitches.

2. The old boy band from the 1980s, The New Kids on the Block, have reunited! They changed their name, though, to Old Former Millionaires in the Creditors Office.

3. A new study says that drinking grape juice or apple juice will help prevent clogged arteries. Which is good news, because actually almost all the juice at the store is apple or grape juice. Have you ever looked at the ingredients of that “banana mango strawberry” stuff you’re buying? It’s nothing but apple juice with spritzes of those other juices. Apple juice is like the chicken of juices.

4. A cat chasing a mouse caused a 72-hour blackout in the capital of Albania. That’s not really a great advertisement for the country. “Albania - Where Tom and Jerry Rule”.

5. Scientists say that obese people are contributing to the rise of food prices. So now they have one more thing to feel guilty about.

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