Thursday, April 24, 2008


Pope Benedict spoke at the United Nations today. And in honor of the traditions of diplomats at the UN, he double parked the Popemobile and threw the ticket in the trash.

Scientists say that people were doing oil painting in Afghanistan over six centuries before Europe. So if that time scale holds true, in about 2300 AD, Europeans will start blowing up Renoirs.

Hillary Clinton is having trouble raising money, because her biggest supporters are maxed out on their spending limits. Obama’s supporters, on the other hand, have been steadily rationing out their lunch money.

72% of the French are unhappy with their president’s performance, while 65% don’t think that he’s kept campaign promises. Sooo, there are 7% who think that he’s kept his promises, but really wish he hadn’t. Sort of like Hillary Clinton -- she promised to keep fighting, and so many of us wish that she wasn’t keeping that promise.

The website EBay has now sued the website Craig’s List for taking actions that unfairly jeopardize Ebay. Like offering all the things that EBay does, but for free.

A former Khmer Rouge leader wants to be released while he waits for trial. Oh, poor baby. You know, the Khmer Rouge had a system for releasing people before trial. I think it was called “shooting them”.

People in China are protesting outside French stores and calling for boycotts of French products. Boycotting France? When will they just stop copying Americans?

Below is footage of the capture of pirates in Somalia. Wow, they’re not messing around, that Recording Industry. Remember, kids, downloading copyrighted music is a crime.

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