Saturday, April 5, 2008


1. Opposition leaders in Zimbabwe say that President Mugabe is “preparing for a poll war”. The last “poll war”, of course, was between the Scores and Gallagher’s strip clubs here in New York. And the winner of that one was… me. (Do pole dance.)

2. There were reports that Jay-Z and Beyonce got married on Friday. The reports breathlessly stated that men in tuxedos were spotted on the roof of the building, though it was later discovered that they were just Secret Service guarding President Bush. Yawn! He is so 2006.

3. AT&T and Verizon say that they are going to offer more “open” networks, though they didn’t say what exactly “open” meant. Maybe it refers to our wallets. A Verizon spokesman said, “We want to get people to close their eyes and imagine all the possibilities…” so we can pick your pockets without you seeing us.

4. Speaking in Croatia, President Bush said that “there are many people who don’t appear to understand why it takes so long to build a democracy.” He went on to add, “For example, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney… me.”

5. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama crossed paths at a dinner in Montana on Saturday. How they got inside Hannah Montana is anyone’s guess.

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