Tuesday, April 8, 2008


1. Senator Jay Rockefeller said yesterday that John McCain doesn’t understand the lives of ordinary people, which is interesting coming from a guy with the last name ‘Rockefeller’.

2. Hillary Clinton has a new campaign video where she says: “I was raised on pinochle and the American Dream.” So she’s a gambling woman. Maybe that’s why she’s still in the race.

3. A restaurant in Germany has replaced waiters with a series of robots on tracks that serve your food. However, this being Germany, many diners were unaware that the waiters had been replaced. You had to know that if the Japanese didn’t invent this, it would be the Germans.

4. Hundreds are protesting the Olympic torch relay in San Francisco, which is interesting, since San Francisco normally loves a flaming parade.

5. Disney has given previews of the ten animated movies it’s going to release for the next four years. Four years! One of the 2011 movies is about blue-footed newts. What if giant radioactive newts start eating people next year? All that work will be wasted.

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