Monday, March 31, 2008


1. A new study shows that pairs of crows can work together to solve problems that can’t be solved by just one crow. Which puts crows at the same level as chimpanzees and slightly higher than the Democratic Party.

2. Steve Avery, a hockey star with the New York Rangers, had his cell phone number in the little black book of a woman being charged with running a prostitution ring. Apparently, he was a little too literal about being a ‘ranger’. Anyone want to play ‘slap the puck’?

3. Aloha Airlines wants to declare bankruptcy. Good thing ‘aloha’ means both hello AND good-bye.

4. Hillary Clinton has rejected calls to abandon her campaign. Bill Clinton said: “Everywhere I go, all these working people say, ‘Don’t you dare let her drop out - don’t listen to those people in Washington.’” Um, are you only listening to people at your rallies? That’s like doing a survey of cows to see if McDonald’s should be shut down.

5. Oregon is going to run a lottery to win free health insurance. Gives new meaning to the phrase “dropping out of the competition”, doesn’t it?

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