Thursday, March 13, 2008


1. The central bank in Ethiopia has discovered that much of its gold may be fake. The first suspicions occurred after the bank’s Nigerian gold dealer was also found selling “Rolex” watches. Luckily, he has a plan to make the money back through some sort of e-mail campaign.

2. And on the international market, gold has hit $1000 an ounce for the first time, which means that an ounce of gold can now almost fill up your gas tank.

3. Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales has been accused of editing the online encyclopedia in exchange for a donation to his Wikimedia Foundation. He said that the allegation was “absolutely false”, but I found them on Wikipedia, so they must be true.

4. The Environmental Protection Agency is lowering the amount of smog-causing ground-level ozone permitted. So we have too much ozone down here… and not enough of it up there… If only we could find a way to switch it around. The EPA plan consists of sending hundreds of people out into the smog and spraying aerosol cans. This also kills my plan to only go suntanning on smoggy days.

5. A new study says that men are jealous of other men who are attractive, rich, or strong. Really? I thought they’d be most jealous about whether someone was funny.

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