Friday, March 14, 2008


1. It looks like Iceland will start hunting whales this summer. What is it with these pacifist countries wanting to kill whales? Japan wants to kill whales. Iceland wants to kill whales. Is it just a bunch of pent-up frustration at not getting to kill intelligent life forms? Pretty soon, Sweden will be calling for chimpanzee hunts.

2. For the first time, ordinary Cubans will be allowed to own DVD players and computers. No air conditioners until 2009 though, so they’re just going to have to sweat through that porn. Car alarms will also finally be allowed this year, which is, um, a great step… forward?

3. European leaders are expected to cut CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020. Is there some sort of rule that these cuts have to use the same numbers as the year? If we were living in the year 1, would we just be screwed?

4. In India, Richard Gere was found not guilty of obscenity, after he embraced and kissed a Bollywood film actress in public. Gere said the charges were frivolous because “I’m not even into women. Whoops. Did I just say that?”

5. Friday was Pi Day, the official day celebrating the number pi, and man, I thought it would never end.

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