Saturday, October 20, 2007


1. Senator Christopher Dodd has put his name on the presidential ballot in New Hampshire, which is good for him, because you probably don’t know this, but he’s been running for president.

2. Italy has just banned a fashion ad for featuring an anorexic. But doesn‘t that mean that they’ve just banned all fashion ads?

3. The FBI has raided the Las Vegas warehouse of magician David Copperfield. But of course, considering this is David Copperfield, his Las Vegas warehouse was actually in Milwaukee.

4. More and more companies are starting “no e-mail” days to help workers cope with the deluge of e-mail that they receive. This is similar to the “no pants” day at my office.

5. The dollar continues to hit new lows against other currencies. The euro, the yen, the Canadian dollar. In Nepal, the dollar is now only worth two yaks. But unlike yaks, dollars still don’t eat your furniture, so you’ll save in the long run.

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