Saturday, November 7, 2009


1. The scientist who proved exercise is heart-healthy died today at 99½. Yes, 99 and a half. His daughter said he always insisted on adding the ½. He goes down in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s oldest toddler. And he didn’t make a hundred? (Sniff), he obviously didn’t practice what he preached.

2. A university student in Brazil was expelled for wearing a mini-dress. Crowds of students yelled insults at her. The ringleader of the angry students is pictured here during Brazil’s Carnival celebrations.

3. A new poll shows that 43% of people in France think capitalism is fatally flawed, which would be troubling if France mattered.

4. New research says low-intensity exercise is best for burning fat, which will probably go down as the most-misinterpreted exercise research of all time. Researchers emphasized that “low intensity” still means roughly 5000% more than the average American. Walking an extra block to Dunkin Donuts doesn’t count.

5. President Obama told representatives who passed healthcare reform today: “When I sign this... every one of you will be able to look back and say, ‘This was my finest moment in politics.’” He then added, “Except for you, Rep. Duggert, because your finest moment was definitely banging that intern. We were all jealous of that.”

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