Tuesday, November 3, 2009


1. Good news for hobos -- Warren Buffet bought the Burlington Northern railroad, and sees American railroads as vital for decades. It was Buffet’s best rail-related news for hobos since buying the makers of Night Train.

2. The world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt, has adopted a cheetah cub. This whole “celebrities adopting African babies” thing is getting out of control. In related news, Michael Phelps adopted a baby manatee, Dan Brown adopted a baby sasquatch, and a Tasmanian devil adopted Glenn Beck.

3. The first space hotel says it’s on track to open in 2012. A three-night stay will cost $4.4 million. Unfortunately, in orbit, the sun rises 15 times a day, so it’s over pretty quickly.

4. The first female Beefeater (a guard of the Tower of London) says that her fellow guards have been harassing her. It’s not because she’s a women, though, but because she’s very into blenders and prefers to drink her beef.

5. U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell has repeated that the U.S. stance towards Israeli settlements in the West Bank hasn’t changed. Basically, we don’t like them, but we’ll never ever give any punishment for them. As anyone who’s had to endure a plane flight with a parent like that, I sympathize with the Palestinians.

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