Thursday, November 5, 2009


1. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is trying to make his fellow French more openly patriotic. Some may say the French are already obnoxiously proud of their country, but there’s a difference between pride in your own country and disdain for everyone else.

2. A new healthcare amendment says you can get an abortion with the public plan, but federal agencies just can’t handle the money. If that’s pro-life, then David Letterman never had sex with his interns. “The condom had sex with them – not me.”

3. A new study shows that being in a bad mood can make us better communicators, more insightful, and more attentive. Unfortunately, it’s been difficult to notice that over all the yelling.

4. Saudi warplanes attacked Yemeni rebels in the south of the country. The attack was very unusual, because by “Saudi warplanes”, I don’t mean “American warplanes”.

5. A company has developed a headset that provides subtitles when listening to another language. This means international phone orders might finally be possible for people from Scotland.

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