Wednesday, November 25, 2009


1. Hong Kong airline Cathay Pacific has had a lot of blocked toilets recently. The airline said with the average weight of Chinese people rising, new places would have to be found to hide them when trafficking.

2. Wikipedia lost 49,000 editors in 2009. Or it might have been 12. I can’t be sure, because the number keeps changing on their site.

3. Scientists say over 100 icebergs are now heading for New Zealand, after the country appealed to the U.S. for help with a lettuce shortage.

4. The Arab emirate of Dubai is having trouble paying its debt. Analysts described this as “shocking”. Yes, who could have seen that coming, considering Dubai built a chain of artificial islands that can be seen from outer space and a massive ski resort in the desert?

5. A Swiss court has granted Roman Polanski $4.5 million bail. Is he a flight risk? No, said a group of wealthy Hollywood players who helped pay for the bail. “And we are glad they accepted the ransom, I mean, bail.”

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