Wednesday, November 26, 2008


1. In Japan, they’re having the first-ever play with robot actors. The lead role is being played by Eddie Murphy.

2. An actress in South Korea who cheated on her husband might go to jail for 18 months because adultery is illegal there. So this is why so many Korean baseball players are coming to America!

3. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and Barack Obama will be thankful that unlike most Americans, he knows he’s going to have a job.

4. The Obama daughters are still going to have chores in the White House. They have to make their own beds and keep their rooms clean. And every Sunday they have to visit Joe Biden and listen to his stories.

5. The prime minister of Thailand has refused to resign, even though protesters have taken over the airport. It’s like when Bill Clinton refused to resign, even during the invasion of our nation’s airports by Starbucks. “I will not let the Frappuccino hordes determine the future of America!”

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