Tuesday, November 11, 2008


1. President Bush said today, and I quote, that when he leaves office, he’s going to go “from 100 miles per hour to zero“. Now, do you really want to bring up reckless driving? And I think it’ll more like zero miles per hour to zero.

2. There was an MSNBC poll to name the Obama family’s new puppy, and the top choice was Hope. However, Republicans apparently voted too, because the second most popular choice was, this is completely true -- Lucky.

3. Sarah Palin said that she wouldn’t hesitate to run for president if it was God’s will. Yes, if would be the will, because if that happens, God is dead.

4. An analyst said the current view of General Motors is “not pretty”. [Wave hand.] Especially with all those SUVs. Cough.

5. People have been selling tickets to Obama’s inauguration, even though they’re not available yet. And will be free. Well, as Wall Street shows, there’s no trouble selling something that doesn’t exist.

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