Friday, October 23, 2009


1. A man in Virginia was arrested for being naked in his own kitchen, after being seen by a woman walking by with her 7-year-old son at 5:30 a.m. How about arresting the woman for going around looking at naked guys with her kid? What do you expect to see at 5:30 a.m. if you’re staring into people’s houses? You’re lucky you weren’t looking in my window, because you might not want to eat fish anymore.

2. The crew of a Delta flight to Minneapolis overshot the airport by 150 miles and didn’t answer when flight control radioed them. Officials believe that the crew fell asleep, but they insist that they were just having a “heated discussion”. Maybe about who would set the alarm clock.

3. A new report says using the internet might help keep older people from getting dementia. It’s sort of like mental Red Bull – it keeps you going, but you lose all ability to have an in-depth conversation.

4. An Argentine opera singer has been arrested after an argument about her loud voice in a restaurant. Apparently when she got the bill, the manager included all the glasses she broke.

5. Microsoft stock soared on news of higher profits than expected. A spokesperson said: “We are very pleased… by the strong consumer demand for Windows.” That’s like farmers saying they’re pleased with the strong consumer demand for food. Most of us don’t have much of a choice.

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