Monday, May 4, 2009


The prime minister of Italy is getting a divorce, because his wife says he flirts with younger women. She says she didn’t realize this when they married, back when he was 53 and she was 34!

A tsunami apparently hit New York City about 2,300 years ago, completely flooding what is now Wall Street. Yeah, thanks, God! About 2,300 years too late.

Somali pirates have now seized a Greek ship. I hear they entered the ship from behind.

Doctors are now warning that if you have flu symptoms and have recently visited areas of Mexico, you should get medical advice. Well, I’ve got flu-like symptoms, and I recently went inside a restaurant kitchen in Manhattan. Does that count?

The favorite horse to win the Kentucky Derby this year is named “I Want Revenge”. It’s jointly owned by everyone with a savings account at Citibank.

The website Amazon is going to introduce a large-screen version of its electronic book Kindle. Yeah, I bought one of those, but it broke when I tried to dog-ear it.

A new study says that children might be affected if their fathers have mental disorders. Really? That’s a surprise. I would have thought kids wouldn’t mind their fathers being crazy.

In Venezuela, the wait for a new car is so long that used cars now cost more than new ones. Oddly enough, that’s how it also works for Kleenex used by Brad Pitt.

On President Obama's 100th day in office, Republican Senator Arlen Specter said that he would become a Democrat, giving the Democrats 59 votes in the Senate. Here’s a picture of Specter announcing the switch.

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