Friday, February 20, 2009


1. A new prison is being opened at the infamous Abu Ghraib in Iraq. In an attempt to reform its image, the place is now going to be called Baghdad Central Prison. Unfortunately, in Arabic, that’s pronounced “Abu Ghraib”. Gotta work more with those translators.

2. And now even the current governor of Illinois wants Senator Roland Burris to resign. Man, if the governor of Illinois thinks you’re too corrupt, that is a sign.

3. The stock market dropped to its lowest level in six years today, on the news that Tiger Woods will rejoin the PGA. Oh my god, if we thought bankers were doing a bad job now, how well are they going to do if they’re watching golf all the time?

4. There was a lot of speculation today that the U.S. government might have to nationalize some banks. Specifically Tyra Banks. She is just too valuable to leave to the free market.

5. Obama said today that if mayors waste the stimulus money, he will “call them out”. The mayors all said that they welcomed that accountability. Of course they do. What are they going to say. “Hey, up yours, Obama. I’ll waste that money if I want to.”

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