Thursday, December 4, 2008


1. In Australia, politicians now have to take alcohol breath tests before voting on laws. This will mean the end of such controversial laws such as G4-7, the “We All Love You Guys Act” or a recent bill approving late-night calls to ex-girlfriends.

2. The Bushes have now purchased a home in a wealthy neighborhood in Dallas. They need to use their money now, because he’s not going to make much from the speech circuit or any memoirs. Maybe a puppet show or finger-painting.

3. Well, we got another reminder that Canada is only 99% democracy yesterday, when the prime minister asked the appointed representative of the Queen of England to shut down Parliament, and the representative agreed. This is the first time this has ever happened in Canada in response to an almost certain vote of no confidence. Wait, isn’t Canada a democracy? This is why I’m not moving there. And we thought the electoral college was screwy. Any time a Canadian gives you flak about the electoral college, here’s your ammo.

4. The price of oil has fallen to its lowest level in four years. Aw, isn’t that too bad. I guess the oil companies will just have to live on all the money they grabbed from us in the summer. If they ask for a bailout, I’m getting my torch and pitchfork. Whew, that was close! We Americans almost had to learn our lesson! Good thing that didn’t last.

5. A congresswoman in Florida hung up on Barack Obama, because she thought it was a prank. A lot of Republicans having been hoping the same thing since the election. “Hey, we got you good, Republicans! Yeah, John McCain is really going to be the president. Ohhh, got you again! The president is really going to be Sarah Palin!”

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