Tuesday, December 16, 2008


1. The brother of the guy who threw his shoes at President Bush said it was spontaneous, and not pre-planned. Really? He was going to ask: “Um, Mr. Bush, what are your thoughts on Kirkuk?” But instead, he went: “Um, ah, arrrgghhh! This is the farewell kiss, you dog!” Sometimes I feel Chris Matthews is about to do that. However, a co-worker of the shoe guy said that he’d been thinking of doing “something” for a year. And this is the best he came up with after a year? It’s much better than throwing bombs, but not quite roses, so the Bush administration is calling it a tie.

2. When I read articles on Iraq, there will be some long explanation of legal issues, and then suddenly at the end, oh by the way, eight police officers were killed in a bomb attack. Where did that come from? That’s like some big article on endangered mountain lion, and then at the end, oh by the way, on the corner of Smith and Main Street, firefighters rescued a kitten from a tree.

3. So oil prices continue to fall. You really have to feel for the oil companies. Yeah, awww. In fact, oil prices have fallen to their lowest since 2005! Oh my god! That was a time before iPhones!

4. The new prime minister of Thailand says that his favorite book is “The Myth of Sisyphus”, which means he’s really going to love being prime minister of Thailand.

5. A Chinese passenger plane took off for Taiwan for the first time since 1949. Here’s a photo. Those are bits of the plane after China shot it down.

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