Friday, December 12, 2008


1. A new survey shows that nearly half of all men lie about what they read in order to impress women. Shouldn’t that just be: “lie about reading, period”?

2. Traffic fatalities are at their lowest level on record. Yeah, because in the summer, no one could afford to drive, and now that they can, they have nowhere to go since they lost their jobs.

3. California has a budget shortfall of $42 billion. And the Big Three automakers are getting $4 billion. Maybe you could just give the $4 billion to California and they’ll buy the cars.

4. A new study says that sugar might be as addictive as cocaine. Which means it’s even worse, because at least with cocaine, you might lose some weight.

5. The attorney-general of Illinois has said that Governor Blagojevich should resign, or she’ll press charges. Well, no, as we’ve learned from Larry Craig - just keep going to work.

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