Wednesday, September 5, 2007


1. Parents of the children in the reality TV show “Kid Nation” had to waive their right to sue the network even if their kid died! Apparently though, parents have to do the same thing at the Little League World Series. Have you seen the size of some of those ‘12-year-olds’?

2. Yahoo bought a behavioral ad website called Blue Lithium yesterday. Behavioral ads track what web surfers are looking at, then target ads at them. So if someone is looking at, say, suitcases and swimsuits, they might get ads for Florida hotels. Or if they’re looking for information on Republican politicians, they might get a listing of all the local public bathrooms.

3. Mattel is now recalling 675,000 Barbie accessories. Well, you know women have that ‘no lead paint on the third date’ rule.

4. In Nepal, the national airline sacrificed two goats to appease a Hindu god after technical problems with one of its planes. Fortunately, they were able to make a profit by selling the meat to United Airlines, which used it for chicken.

5. Scientists report that male bears communicate with each other by rubbing trees, in order to avoid fights. Well, humans do that too. That’s why I rub my body on other blogs.

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