Tuesday, September 25, 2007


1. The Starbucks in China’s Forbidden City has been replaced with a café selling more traditional Chinese drinks. So instead of a shot of espresso, your coffee now comes with a shot to the back of the head.

2. In the new federal budget, the departments of Energy and Water have weapons programs. Are they developing nuclear water balloons?

3. A company has developed software that tracks people’s conversations over internet phones and then sends ads based on key words. The Bush administration is thrilled that wiretapping can actually earn money.

4. Florida has now decided to move up its Democratic primary even earlier. The primary for 2012 will take place in Florida on November 5th… 2008. Proto-Senator Al Franken is leading the polls.

5. The fire department in the Swiss city of Geneva has released a rap video to remind people about their new hotline number. The video also features firefighters in hot pants and urges people to write the number in their underwear.

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