Tuesday, December 15, 2009


1. President Obama said retrofitting houses to make them more energy efficient is “sexy”. Which makes me happy for Home Depot and sorry for Michelle. “Hey, honey, let’s spend a romantic evening putting in storm windows.”

2. Many Guantanamo inmates are being transferred to a prison in Illinois. The maximum security facility was originally designed to hold many of Illinois’s ex-politicians.

3. Stephen King paid for several troops to visit their families over the holidays. Most of the families said they were very surprised to see their great-great-grandfathers shambling home in rotting Civil War uniforms.

4. After being attacked, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi told his supporters that “love always triumphs over hate”. Which is maybe why he soothes the pain of a bad marriage by flirting with teenage girls.

5. Eritrea’s government announced a plan to cut spending, by not bothering to buy any more round-trip tickets for its soccer team. And this is the third time! I see young Eritreans playing soccer in the streets, eyes full of hope, dreaming of a day when they too can defect from their country.

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