Saturday, December 12, 2009


1. The razor company Gillette is limiting Tiger Woods’s role in its promotions, but I could see them doing something with this. “Take it from someone who knows -- it’s the best a man can get.” “When I‘m thinking of slitting my wrists, I reach for Gillette.”

2. A new study says Asia was mainly populated by a single migration flow. It went along the southern coast, then north along the Pacific, down the American coast, and finally ended in California sweatshops.

3. In his weekly radio address, President Obama said he didn’t get elected to “help fat cat bankers”. Which is why he let the unelected people in his administration help them.

4. Google has announced that its designers are using a special Google phone that makes it even easier for them to violate people’s privacy on the go.

5. There have been some safety concerns at the new $700 million U.S. embassy in Iraq, especially after this photo.

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